
First Quarter Benchmarks

*Count to 20
*Write numbers 0-10
*One to one correspondence up to 10
*With a given number tell what number is one more
*More, less, and equal to
*Counting up to 20 starting at any given number

*Identify 10 sight words
*Reading on a level A
*Recognize all letter names and sounds
*Recognize and produce rhyming words

*Write dominant consonant sounds when heard
*Match pictures and words
*Write one simple sentence
*Write first name with a capital to start & lower case letters following

Social/Personal Development Skills
*Bathroom needs are met independently
*Unpack backpack independently
*Open containers for lunch and snack independently
*Know carpool number, bus color/name, and lunch number

Puntos de referencia del primer trimestre

*Contar hasta 20
*Escribir números del 0-10
*Corrsepondencia de uno en uno hasta 10
*Con un número dado decir cual número es uno más (uno más que 8)
*Más, menos e igual a
*Contar hasta 20 iniciando en cualquier número dado

*Identificar 10 palabras a primera vista
*Lee en un nivel A
*Reconocer todos los nombres y sonidos de las letras
*Reconocer y producir palabras que rimen

*Escribir los sonidos consonantes dominantes cuando se le dice
*Hacer coincidir imágenes y palabras
*Escribir una oración simple
*Escribir nombre propio con una letra mayúscula y letras minúsculas

Habilidades sociales y de desarrollo personal
*Las necesidades del baño se satisfacen independientemente
*Desempacar la mochila de forma independiente
*Abre recipientes para el almuerzo y la merienda de forma independiente

*Conocer el número de carpool, el color/nombre del autobús y el número de almuerzo


Quarter 2 Math
*Count to 40
*Write numbers 0-20
*Identify Flat Shapes – circle, triangle, square, rectangle
*Identify 3D/Solid Shapes – cube, pyramid, sphere, cone, rectangular prism
*Sort Flat and Solid Figures
*Describe Attributes of Shapes – faces, vertices, edges, sides, corners

Quarter 2 Reading
*Identify 25 sight words
*Reading on a level 3 – relies on sight word knowledge, picture clues, beginning consonants
*Retells stories – setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end

Quarter 2 Writing
*Writing Conventions – spacing, punctuation, capital vs. lowercase
*Opinion Writing
*Can express an opinion with 1-2 sentences using 1-2 adjectives
*Uses at least 1 transitional word (and, because)
*Has an ending
*Varies the way 2 sentences begin
*Spells some sight words correctly


Quarter 3 Math
*Add & subtract within 5
*Fluently knows addition & subtraction facts 0-5
*Solves addition & subtraction word problems using illustrations
*Combination word problems (There are four cats. Some are orange. Some are black. What are the possible combinations? Three black and one orange, two black and two orange, three orange and one black.)

Quarter 3 Reading
*Identifies 50 sight words
*Reading on a Level C relies on sight words, use of picture clues, decoding and blending words
*Retelling stories setting, characters, main events (beginning, middle, end)

Quarter 3 Writing
*Writing Conventions spacing, punctuation, capitals vs. lowercase
*Informative/Expository/Non-fiction writing
*Includes 3-4 simple sentences or 1-2 complex sentences
*Ends 2 or more sentences with periods; starts to use other forms of punctuation
*Capitalizes sentences; uses other forms of capitalization correctly (names, I, proper nouns)
*Spells 5-9 single-syllable words conventionally
*Uses 3-4 describing words
*Writes 3-4 sentences while maintaining focus


Quarter 4 Math
*Know number names and count sequence
*Rote count to 100
*Addition and Subtraction within 10
*Describe and compare measurable attributes (height, length, weight, capacity)
*Classify objects
*Sort objects by given rule or by own rule (color, shape, size, etc.)

Quarter 4 Reading
*Identifies 75 sight words
*Reading on a level 6 (Mclass level D) – relies on sight words, use of picture clues, decoding and blending words
*Retelling stories – setting, characters, main events (beginning, middle, end)

Quarter 4 Writing
*Writing Conventions – spacing, punctuation, capitals vs. lowercase
*Narrative, Informative, and Opinion Writing
*Includes 3-4 simple sentences or 1-2 complex sentences
*Ends 2 or more sentences with periods; starts to use other forms of punctuation
*Capitalizes sentences; uses other forms of capitalization correctly (names, I, proper nouns)
*Spells 5-9 single-syllable words conventionally
*Uses 3-4 describing words
*Uses 1-2 precise words
*Writes 3-4 sentences while maintaining focus

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